Panini Bar
Caught between 2 constructions that have redefined the neighborhood’s scale, the old house seemed like a residue on the near blindwall.
The challenge was to rehabilitate the house, forgotten underneath all of the overlapping changes it suffered during time.
The long facade was activated through lighting solutions and exterior furniture that bring life to the street.
Mano + Bocca
The element of surprise is the ceiling, made of ears of wheat that complement the ambiance together with the revealed original brick wall and the mint accessories. The wall with the sofa seating is lined with antique mirrors so that the space becomes wider.
The main success of this project is the rehabilitation of the existing traditional house and in doing so, the extension of its relevance in the new urban fabric.
Omid Ghannadi
Ilinca Ghannadi
“Building your own home is about desire, fantasy. But it’s achievable anyone can do it.”
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